selected papers, chapters, and articles

(Some of these were published with unusual layout, or in web-only versions, and I’ve included clean-formatted PDFs in place of the originals in that case.)

“Crowds and Money.” In: The Barons and the Mob: Essays on Centralized Platforms and Decentralized Crowds (ed. Charles Duan, James Grimmelmann). New York: Cornell Tech Research Lab in Applied Law + Technology, 2024. PDF

“The Financial Millennium.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 59(1), 2024. PDF

“Trading in Atoms for Bits: The long history of digital currencies.” Cabinet, February 2021. PDF

“Making People and Influencing Friends: Citation Networks and the Appearance of Significance.” In: Metrics & Misconduct: New Ecologies of Academic Research (ed. Mario Biagioli, Alexandra Lippmann). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020. PDF

“Splinternet: A Short Story.” CoinDesk, October 2020. PDF

“Virtual Money at the Edge-of-State.” Just Money roundtable: “Virtual Currencies and the State.” April 2020. PDF

“Hacking.” In: Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Communication (ed. Leah Lievrouw, Brian Loader). New York: Routledge, 2019. PDF

“Spam.” In: The SAGE Handbook of Web History (ed. Niels Brügger, Ian Milligan). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2018. PDF

“WeChat / Weixin / 微信.” In: Appified: The Culture of Mundane Software (ed. Jeremy Wade-Morris and Sarah Murray). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018. PDF

“Silver.” In: Paid: Tales of Dongles, Checks, and Other Money Stuff (ed. Bill Maurer, Lana Swartz). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, April 2017. PDF

“Notes from /dev/null.” Internet Histories 1:1-2, March 2017. PDF

“The Extortion Stack.” Limn 8, February 2017. PDF

“Petit guide de conversation avec les extraterrestres: Une autre histoire de l’intelligence artificielle.” Le Monde diplomatique, August 2016. PDF

“Keeping the Books: Inside the Blockchain.” Limn 6, March 2016. PDF

“The Entropy Archives.” Limn 6, March 2016. PDF

“Où tu vas, j’y serai toujours.” In: Extra Fantômes (ed. Clémence Seurat). La Gaîté lyrique: Paris, 2016. PDF

“An Affair to Remember.” Artforum, December 2015. PDF

Coauthored with Lori Emerson. “The Canon Cat: Processing Advanced Work.” Vlak: Contemporary Poetics and the Arts (5), May 2015. PDF

“Heat Exchanges.” In: The MoneyLab Reader: An Intervention in Digital Economy (ed. Geert Lovink, Nathaniel Tkacz, Patricia de Vries). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2015. PDF

“Tempting Information.” In: The Rumours of the World: Rethinking Trust in the Age of the Internet (ed. Omar Kholeif). London: Sternberg, 2015. PDF

Review: Stanislaw Lem, Summa Technologiae. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014. PDF

“The Hidden Variable.” Artforum, November 2014. PDF

Coauthored with Gabriella Coleman. “Closer to the Metal.” In: Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society (ed. Tarleton Gillespie, Pablo Boczkowski, Kirsten Foot). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014. PDF

“Kleptography.” Radical Philosophy 183, Jan/Feb 2014. PDF

“Insecurity Systems.” Artforum, October 2013. PDF

Coauthored with Helen Nissenbaum. “Political and Ethical Perspectives on Data Obfuscation.” In: Privacy, Due Process and the Computational Turn: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology (ed. Mireille Hildebrandt, Katja De Vries). New York: Routledge, 2013. PDF

“Constitutive Interference: Spam and Networked Communities.” Representations 117, Winter 2012. PDF
Available in French: “Une Histoire du Spam: Le revers de la communauté en ligne.” La revue Résaux 197-198, March-April 2016. PDF

“Future anterior: Chris Marker, 1921-2012.” Radical Philosophy 176, Nov/Dec 2012. PDF

“The Walled City: ‘Cannot One Dream of a Computer Hypothesis?’” Radical Philosophy 175, Sept/Oct 2012. PDF

Coauthored with Helen Nissenbaum. “Vernacular Resistance to Data Collection and Analysis: A Political Theory of Obfuscation.” First Monday vol 16, no 5, May 2011. PDF

“Keyspace: Reflections on WikiLeaks and the Assange Papers.” Radical Philosophy 166, Mar/Apr 2011. PDF

“‘Roar So Wildly’: Spam, Language, Technology.” Radical Philosophy 164, Nov/Dec 2010. PDF